About this writing:
My illness will only be cured if I have tried everything: to leave a vision to people and to spread it everywhere. This vision lies before you.
Sixteen years of searching, studying, but also delusions and paranoia resulted in this writing. On the following pages you will find out through which forests, waters, darkness and damnation illness led me out of the “blockages” in our lives to this vision and into the light. This light shines from the following lines. Please take some time to read them. I feel a little better about it. Above all, however, it is our earth, with all its unique creatures and natural wonders, that my vision hopes to preserve. This writing should encourage us and give us a happy and healthy future.
It is enough!
There were and are enough victims and avoidable suffering worldwide!
Own children?
Yes, I might want them.
But only when I have made the world a better place.
My name is friend of beings. I'm megalomaniac. That's what the doctors say. But someone has to develop this vision and distribute it to the people.
In my hands I hold a picture of our earth. You probably know one like this, taken from outer space.
We could list the planets in our solar system and many more. Earth is the only one of them, which offers us living space: our Blue Planet.
Before my paranoia, I rarely did this and very rarely looked at a photo of the Earth. My living space was the neighborhood or village in which I lived, like it is the case with most other people. Rarely we look beyond this in our busy everyday lives. Maybe we drive to work in the city or in another quarter, but then back home to what we call our living environment. But our living environment is much larger.
I knew a lot of people in my neighborhood, had a family, a girlfriend and friends, went shopping, to work and go to the clubs with techno music and the ecstasy pills. I lived a life like many of us humans just live it. All of this was before paranoia.
Today my living space is different. My perspective has changed. I look at it almost every day now this photo of Earth taken from space. Pick it up and see what our real habitat is. That all of our neighborhoods, districts, villages, communities, countries and continents are part of one whole are. Everyone knows this when they think about it. But hardly anyone does it or realizes what I've been doing since my paranoia began.
I look at the photo and see our earth.
How much we have already wounded it. An old joke comes to mind.
- Two planets meet.
"How are you?" asks one of them.
"Not so good," the answer rings out across the universe. “I have humanity.”
“Oh,” says the other planet. “Don’t worry, this disease will go away on its own.” -
Perhaps we humans will disappear by ourselves. But we would still have millions of years. But even with our end, we are obviously in a hurry. We are used to rushing. We destroy our planet. Living on it and destroying it. Will have nowhere to go. Or our children and grandchildren will have no place to live. The joke from above is coming true. We humans become a stupid joke.
I want us to gain an appreciation for our earth - which unites, sustains and nourishes us. Look at a photo of our Blue Planet once a day. Pick it up and put it in your wallet. Right where you keep the pictures of your friends or family. Install images of the Earth as backgrounds on your smartphones, share them with your friends. Our planet - we don't have anything more magnificent. We should worship, celebrate and care for it more than the new SUV or the other bullshit that the "blockades" drive us into.
I have lived between these “blockages” myself. My illness took me out of them. This lasted sixteen years. People looked at me like I was giving up on real life. That's when I found it.
I would like to name some of our “blockages”, we will have to drive them out together later:
Unbalanced climate justice, envy, resentment, careerism,
gender differences, skin colors, global wealth distribution, nationalities,
religion, tax havens, industrial animal murder
Let me describe my path to you. How, through my illness, I emerged from a world of “blockages” and darkness into the light and my perspective widened. Much like my narrow neighborhood living space expanded to include contemplation of our planet. So before I tell you, let's look at the photo of the Earth again. We can't do this often enough.
My life began quite conventionally. I attended school, loved my childhood, family and friends.
Youth dawned. And immediately stopped again. When I was fourteen, I found my father in a pool of blood on the kitchen floor. Placing my hand on his forehead, I sensed that he was cold. I have never forgotten that cold. It is the coldness of suicide, hopelessness and despair. I would often feel very cold later.
I completed an education, found a job and looked up to my brother. Six years older than me, he had already become a successful businessman. This – I decided – should also be my path. But things turned out completely differently. Techno and house were my music. I often went dancing until dawn. How comfortable I felt. Everything shook off. Also Dad's coldness, which I never really got rid of.
Sometimes someone had these pills with them. XTC. They were great. Because I could dance endlessly with them, with these red, blue, green or yellow tablets. It was pure luck. Until my head couldn't take it anymore. All colors gone, nothing remained but black. Figures flashed through my mind. They wanted to get me.
“Paranoid schizophrenia,” the doctors said. My life was divided back then, almost seventeen years ago. Behind me lay my childhood, the death of my father, youth and adolescence, dancing and my girlfriend. I lost her. Never seen again.
What laid ahead of me was darkness and an incomprehensible path to light that lasted almost seventeen years. Darkness often filled my head. Filled it with fear and evil. This is what doctors call paranoia. It is cruel. However, it freed me. After all these years the “blockages” were overturned and the old, obsessive idea was helped to drive away “good and evil” from my existence. I knew I could do it and made my plan. Would lure the evil and his snipers onto my trail, lead him across the meadow into the forest and finally away from him and have the Bundeswehr destroy it.
Evil prefers to prey on the weak. I knew that. So they would come, the henchmen, when I hobbled across a meadow as a sick creature. Easy to spot, track and kill.
I picked up a pair of crutches. Leaning on it, even though I didn't need it, I hobbled out of the apartment, down the street, between the houses and into the open air of a meadow. Now evil would see me.
Stooped and frail-looking, the grass danced around my shoes and crutches as I neared the edge of the forest. Songs from my childhood came to mind. Until the fall of the Berlin Wall we lived in the city that is now called Chemnitz, formerly Karl-Marx-Stadt. They were the songs from my patriotic days in the GDR, which I first sang quietly and then sang loudly.
“Brothers, to the sun, to freedom, brothers to the light!
The future shines brightly out of the dark past.”
I had almost reached the forest. The evil had to see me. And it came. I heard it clearly. Sang louder and hobbled with my crutches under my armpits between the trees and into the crackling of the leaves that betrayed me.
I remained still and deathly silence surrounded me. I was familiar with being alone, but I had never felt so lonely before. The humans, I was sure, had set out to colonize another, distant planet. They had only forgotten me, perhaps intentionally left me behind. “I am,” I spoke desperately into the forest, “the last person.”
I took a few steps. Leaves rustled again. Was there anyone else to whom the noises could betray me? The evil. Surely the humans had left it behind on their journey to a distant planet. It was still there. I felt it. Branches whipped my face. I had started running. Evil, I heard it approaching. It would hit me soon. Now.
The henchmen's dogs threatened to get to me. Wanted my flesh, my bones, everything. I yelped in fear. Screamed like a bear. Roared the animals away from me. Recognized a path between the dogs, as there is always a path for everything, scurried through and ran through the forest.
Branches fell on me, as if nature was taking revenge for the destruction we humans brought upon it. Suddenly I reached a wall. Just jumped over it in a big hurry. How far I could have fallen on the other side. But didn't do anything to me, was perhaps invulnerable, ran on and into the water of a forest lake.
The stars above me. They also scared me. Were nothing but satellites that evil used to locate me. Would track down anywhere. Here too in this body of water where I left no trace.
Fish were roaming around my legs. Evil rushed in. I felt his breath. It hissed and pushed. But it didn't seem to be getting any closer. This body of water I was standing in, I knew it from my dreams. It was here, at the bottom of this lake, that I had wanted to look for something for a long time. The fish greeted me. Seemed to have been waiting for me. Unlike the whipping branches, the waist-high water, into which I stuck my head and compulsively began to dive, was forgiving. I had to find it, the scepter I had been looking for for a long time. Only with him in my hands would I finally be able to free humanity from all suffering. I dived again and again, came to the surface of the water and saw flashlights flashing and blinding me.
The lake was surrounded. The bear in me was silent and wanted to rest. The owner of the fishing water had informed the police and they had informed the doctors. Now they were there, leading me to the ambulance and, in the light of the ambulance, drawing liquid into a syringe.
My lethal injection. I couldn't think of anything else. Saw the cannula filling, screamed that I didn't want to die and bucked up. They put the syringe aside and gave me sedatives.
After thirty minutes, men took me to a shower. I should wash off the lake water, they said, and turned on the tap. I let it rain on me. Trembled. I couldn't think of anything other than the zombies that were about to emerge from the sewers and tear me apart.
In the clinic, the delusions changed. I had been through hell. She had deliberately entered the field, the forest, the water and the sheer horror with my crutches tucked under her armpits. But I had put hell behind me. It was now a thing of the past. I erased them from my mind just as the combination of our rigid thinking – “good” and “evil” – no longer existed for me from then on. My passage through the man-made horror had exploded it. The words “good” and “evil” laid broken before me. Lots of letters.
The beginning of something new. I just had to find it. Pushed cube-like letters around for a long time and formed anagrams. In "evil" I found the "lake", thought of the sceptre and knew I was on the right track. Our polar thinking in "good" and "evil" has failed. It is no longer good for describing, what we humans are doing, to each other and to our planet. I felt compelled to replace the two words. Quietly, I spoke out what I was thinking.
I became braver. Said these words more forcefully, finally making them resonate with my whole body. Tear apart my “blockages,” broke these chains, and shouted for all the world to hear:
“How stupid is the suffering we bring upon ourselves and the world.”
I also often put the word “human” out of my letters. Looked at the little cubes on the table in front of me.
I was ashamed of many things that I associated with us humans - our elevation over all living beings, exploitation, destruction, greed and suffering. I hated all these “blockages”. Moved the letters around looking for anagrams and couldn't find one.
The term "human" failed.
"Why don't we reinvent ourselves?" I wished quietly into a dark room, finding visions within me and said it.
“We are neither creatures, God’s creatures, nor merely human. Because all living things, every person, every animal, mushroom and every plant are unique and capable of inspiring. We are all miracles of nature.”
More spurts followed. Psychotic phases that drove me out of the house. Snipers watched me through rifle scopes. Each of the gunmen symbolized, as I would later understand, one of our blockades. They didn't want to let me escape. Again I mention some of their names:
unbalanced climate justice, envy, resentment, careerism, gender differences, skin colors, global wealth distribution, nationalities, religion, tax havens, industrial animal murder.
Look at the shooter up there, who looks like a hunter, he symbolizes our industrial animal murder, the slaughtering, cutting and shredding of nature's wonders.
When I see someone eating meat, I am pierced by a mental anguish that I can barely endure. But I hold on and ask my question.
“Do you sometimes think that you are sticking your fork into something that just a few days ago was still breathing, feeling and loving life no less than you do?”
Since my journey through hell, I have had the courage to ask those around me things like that. Feel the pain of someone sticking their fork into a piece of meat.
Other snipers, I see them in places of worship around the world. They symbolize the “blockades” that come from religions. I once thought that these could put a stop to the suffering on earth and its increasing destruction. That was a mistake. And I realized how religions separate us humans from one another, block coexistence and contribute to everything from which we should finally free humanity and our planet.
At home I practiced rituals. Through them, I thought, the world would become a better place. Like, took a hat and put a knife behind it. I now saw everything clearly in front of me, the cowboy or white man, his endless greed and the dangers that it poses for us humans. Is greed rooted in our nature?, the question didn't let me go and my little rhyme came to mind:
"Whoever kills their consciousness with advertising and satisfies artificially aroused needs with shopping."
They acted like a pawn People sometimes meddle with the endless consumption of the shopping area. There were dangers lurking everywhere that wanted to drag me into the whirlpool of greed and “blockages”. Once I couldn't take it anymore and tore my clothes off. I could only survive naked, without the signs of consumption on my body. They wouldn't get me like that. And actually – free as I was now – everything around me froze. Passers-by stood next to me like pillars of salt. I remembered Lot's wife from the Bible story, turning around to look one last time at God's destroyed Sodom, burning like a shopping mall before her.
I sank to my knees and looked up at the sun. The snipers were gone. With them the dark clouds that just darkened the sky. Rays of sunshine warmed me. The sun - I bowed to it, as I bowed to all the miracles and affirmations of life. Many queens and kings deserve the crown of creation because they truly respect and protect life. Nevertheless, the sun is the greatest of all miracles. It would be dark, cold and lifeless without her. There is nothing more urgent to create than our empire of the sun with billions of queens and kings.
Warm yourself in the sun like I did when I worshiped her naked and on her knees. When strong fingers gripped my shoulders, men talked to me and pushed their faces sideways into the sunlight. A police officer and an emergency worker almost fought over me. While the officer wanted to take me away because I was causing a public nuisance, the rescue worker spoke of psychological problems, convinced the police officer and I was taken to the hospital. They pushed me across the ward on a lounger. “Please,” I looked up at the police officer walking next to me, “take my wallet. I don't need it anymore."
Pulling my wallet out of my pocket, I held it in front of his nose and literally forced it on the officer. I was so convinced that I could immediately leave earth and enter the kingdom of heaven.
The policeman didn't accept my wallet. My path also didn't lead to the kingdom of heaven, but rather they drove me from the hospital to the psychiatric ward.
"They're taking me," the only truth I knew, "to a concentration camp. Driving me there, to an endless death.”
I thought of my mother. Whispered farewell words across my trembling lips. That day I went through hell - and left it behind me.
Again the doctors noted “psychotic episodes” and gave me medication. I didn't want her. The decision had been made. My recovery would have to wait. The psychotic attacks were so intense and filled with insights that I didn't want to contain them or even drive them out of my body.
I wanted to open myself completely to these insights. Letting them come upon me and carry them into the world. So I swore to myself and now stand before you with this writing.
It is full of fear. You already know that. But we have to get through the fear and my pain. Let's walk a few pages together. To the end of these lines, to my vision and shared hope.
Paranoids describe their perception of the world as drastic and frightening. “It’s no different for me,” I once thought and attributed the apocalypses in my head to illness. Today I know better. My perception of the world is not heightened by my illness. Our destruction of the planet, the continued production of weapons, the wars, the endless suffering and the mass murder of nature's wonders are just as terrible as I perceive them. My illness has opened my eyes and I am grateful for it.
The state of the world physically tortures me. If it happened to all of us, this would be salvation. How quickly we, driven by pain, would urge, no, force, our political representatives to take new paths.
Please take some time. Feel within yourself. Is it really right what we humans do? Can't we bring out what is hidden and be completely different? Feel deeper within yourself. It's not easy, I know. The “blockades” and everyday life surround us. We think they support us. In doing so, they take our breath and freedom away, bring suffering and destruction.
Keep feeling, past the blockages. You will succeed. Finds this soul pain that I've known for years. Take it as an opportunity to rise up. Break out of the “blockades”. Urge those in power to lead us to a better future. Because only together can we achieve:
"Respect is the heart of a peaceful world."
How much I liked this wise saying. Until I read Berthold Brecht:
"First comes the eating, then comes the morale."
Brecht's words from the “Threepenny Opera” are true. This truth should determine our primary goal:
A dignified basic living for all people on this earth.
Hunger and the associated suffering, racism and exclusion must stop - everywhere on our Blue Planet. We can do this. We “wonders of nature” also have wondrous and powerful powers to lead the world out of suffering. It opens up a view without “blockages”. We do good and that makes us happy.
Surely you have already helped someone and done something good. Didn't this act feel wonderful? Deeper, more powerful and more human than most of what concerns us?
How powerful and overflowing with strength and happiness this feeling must be when we succeed in banishing hunger and suffering from the world. To send both to that self-made hell that we then allow to devour itself. Goodbye, you old hell. Goodbye, you selfish person of old. We are ready for a new consciousness and a global redistribution as the beginning of a “peaceful revolution of humanity”.
No one could carry out the mission of global redistribution and driving hunger out of our world better than the United Nations. We must relentlessly urge them to establish a global distribution authority that ensures a basic, dignified livelihood for all people on this planet.
This is the first step. He is huge. However, we humans are masters of logistics and distribution. If we want something with all our heart or feel a deep pain of the soul, we can achieve almost anything. That is our strength. Let’s finally use them to do good. Many questions arise in advance. I would like to answer it here.
Why do we need a “Global Basic Income”?
People are starving on this earth, others live in abundance. The gap between rich and poor is more than inhumane. We have to counter it with something meaningful. What could be better than a global basic living for all people?
Why does basic income have to be global?
Finance and the global economy are globally intertwined. That's why it's important to raise taxes in value-adding countries and to use these funds to help wherever it's needed.
I deeply believe in this unifying, globally important sign of care. We humans are moving closer together and the danger of war is diminishing. The “eating”, as Brecht cynically said, would then be there. Morale will follow. Finally we can permanently cultivate respect for life and our planet.
Why does the UN have to promote the Global Basic Income?
No state or ego is allowed to stand in the way of a peaceful and well-supplied global community or have a destructive effect. Every country and every population can and must be convinced of this idea. The UN will have to find the courage to stand up against the influence of its financiers when justified. Nevertheless, they will succeed, become more independent and ultimately be able to raise more capital for our common mission.
Who collects the global basic income?
The UN - as an internationally recognized organization - according to a mandatory global mandate.
How does the UN collect the money?
As a basic supply tax via digital payment.
How does the UN distribute basic income?
The UN is already distributing money in Jordan using iris scans, fingerprint scans or blockchain. This will also be a safe and sensible approach internationally.
Who finances the basic income?
A tax on all income involved in the global value creation process finances the basic income. In addition, a global tax on the rich will be introduced. Because no one needs more than a billion euros for their life. Greater wealth is socialized and distributed by the UN as basic income.
You think my plan sounds utopian? No, it's not that. Certainly it is visionary. But we can do it.
We are introducing the Global Basic Income. It is our duty as humans.
If my illness allows it, I will apply for a position at the UN myself, argue for a global distribution project and fight if I have to.
Look at it again, our common homeland, which I hold in my hands as a photo. Our Earth. I'm standing somewhere down there. I'm very far away. At the same time, we are close to each other on this planet and with our common wishes for the future. Let's make them come true. Let's finally start it -
our “peaceful revolution of humanity.”
To all critics of this writing worldwide.
Please do it better in the interest of all humanity and all beings - especially the weakest!
100% of the donations will go towards the efficient promotion of this book project in the name of enlightenment. For an appropriate awareness of nature, a global and dignified basic supply for all those in need and the reduction of the blockages between us!
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