I was born into a working-class family, in a working-class town (Karl-Marx-Stadt, now Chemnitz) and a workers' and farmers' state (former GDR). At this point I would like to send a warm greeting to all Europeans, citizens of the world, Germans and in general to all beings on and off our home planet.
The questions that occupied me for a long time and triggered a difficult process in the search for viable visions of the future were whether I would use the prevailing systems such as financial and economic systems for myself, like the majority of the world's population, or to change them positively for the benefit of everyone. The expedient decision for me was made in 2003, around 20 YEARS ago, to the benefit of nature!
It is said that if you want to build a high-rise building, you have to spend long enough time studying the foundation.
About a quarter of my expected time on earth, engrossed in the suffering of the world, hurting my soul countless times, I am now ready to give...
There are millions of logos and symbols worldwide and now one that can meaningfully connect us all for a healing future.
The symbol represents the connection of plants shown in the picture as a root, of animals as a lion's head, of people as a human body and the sun as a life-giving force.
If this symbol with the philosophy of nature's lowest common denominator were taught in schools in the 21st century, there would be significantly fewer opportunities to create enemy images in the future!
And it is very likely that we will fortunately be spared the unpleasant consequences of preventing enemy images in the future!