Dear fellow beings, thank you very much for your attention and therefore your precious time! I'll try to be clear and brief out of respect for you.
The purpose of this research is to create a meaningful path for a healing 21st century for everyone!
The central 4 questions, answers and conclusions of the research are!

1. How do we preserve nature, the basis of our existence?

Answer: With, among other things, an expansion of consciousness, i.e. processes of becoming clear about who we actually are and who nature really is!
Conclusion: Because through an appropriate awareness of nature, we learn again to respect and thus preserve nature as the basis of our existence.

2. How do you prevent countries around the world from forming blocs with the risk of a third world war?

Answer: Through a people-unifying & social community project through a redistribution of the UN!
Conclusion: This redistribution project connects global society in a social sense and allows the risk of a world war to be reduced through community spirit.

3. How can we reduce the emigration of 100s of millions of climate refugees in the future?

Answer: Through global and appropriate basic financial support from the United Nations for those in need where they currently live.
Conclusion: Basic supplies support the individual's struggle for existence and reduce the number of reasons for escape.

4. How do we most sensibly address the global distribution problem between those who have and those in need?

Answer: Through a UN mandate for adequate global tax collection, adequate basic living and parallel dismantling of all tax havens worldwide in order to release trillions...trillions(!) of currency units for global distribution.
Conclusion: A redistribution from those who have to those who need it is the most sensible thing to do to reduce enormous global suffering.


How useful are human rights in the 21st century?

The 1948 human rights law, which was morally and ethically exemplary but very complex and confusing, was a progressive development at the time.
This right, which did not include animals, fungi and plants, referred exclusively to humans.
The artificially constructed human rights charter is for A healing 21st century is not healing because people are isolating themselves in the global ecosystem!

Conclusion: Human rights were a good attempt to enforce people's rights on a global level.
But in order to bring about a holistic awareness of nature and respect for all of nature and people and to preserve all of our livelihoods, a particularly alert and clear person is required Spirit as a basis!
Thus, due to their limited impact, human rights can only be a temporary solution.
The most efficient way to preserve nature is the knowledge that plants, fungi, animals and people are connected on a small and large scale are.
Nature can live without humans but humans cannot live without nature. So hardly anyone can live or survive without the other.